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jamkhed news today

Ram Shinde : मुस्लिम मदारी वसाहतीचा प्रश्न मार्गी लावण्यासाठी सभापती प्रा. राम शिंदेंनी घेतला…

Ram Shinde took initiative to resolve the issue of Muslim Madari Colony, called review meeting in Vidhan Bhavan on Monday, what action will be taken against the officials who are delaying? Public attention has been drawn, jamkhed kharda…

Jamkhed News : ज्यांनी अहिल्यादेवींची निस्वार्थ आणि निरपेक्षपणे सेवा केली त्यांना आयुष्यात कधीच कमी…

Jamkhed News today, Those who serve Ahilya Devi selflessly and unconditionally do not fall short in life - Ashatai Shinde, Satyashodhak Women's Conference held in Chondi, Satyashodhak mahila samelan 2025,

BJP Member Registration Campaign 2025 : देशात आणि राज्यात आपलं सरकार; अभिमानाने आणि स्वाभिमानाने…

BJP Member Registration Campaign 2025, Our Govt in Country and State Be a member of BJP with self-esteem and self-esteem - Ram Shinde's appeal, BJP membership drive in Jamkhed taluka begins with a bang, jamkhed news today, jamkhed news…

Excise Department Raid : जामखेड तालुक्यात राज्य उत्पादन शुल्क विभागाचा छापा, चार वाहनांसह ३१ लाखांचा…

Breaking, jamkhed news today, State Excise Department raids in Jamkhed taluka, 31 lakh worth of goods seized including four vehicles, cases filed against six persons, Excise Department raid in maharashtra today

Christmas 2024 : गॅलक्सी इंग्लिश स्कूलचे सर्वधर्म समभाव जपण्याचे कार्य कौतुकास्पद- डाॅ शोभा आरोळे

Christmas 2024, Galaxy English School's work of maintaining equality among all religions is commendable - Dr Shobha Arole, jamkhed news today, Christmas is celebrated with enthusiasm at Galaxy English School,