Nashik Solapur ST bus burnt down at Mirajgaon due to technical fault, thrill of The Burning Bus raged on old Nagar - Solapur highway, karjat jamkhed news today,
Political earthquake in Daivadaithan, Society chairman, Two directors,2 Gram Panchayat members and 100 prominent youth workers join BJP, youth started leaving the support of Rohit Pawar, karjat jamkhed news today,
Jamkhed Breaking, biggest news in politics of Karjat-Jamkhed, Finally MadhuAab's decision was made, Prof. Madhukar Aba Ralebhat will enter the BJP on the 23rd September in mumbai,
In Karjat Jamkhed this year bullpola political slogan Apala to aaplaach, clear indication that political winds have changed, ram shinde latest news today,